As a sincere lover, Mose marries the mountain lines while paying deference to their size.
Enrico Mosetti, "Mose", is originally from the Italian side of the Julian Alps, an enclave of natural splendour with mixed cultures and persons. Initiated to the mountain by the father and to skiing by the mother, he fell in love at a very tender age with the mountain and especially with skiing. The beauty of the characteristic Eastern Alps canals was for him a call to adventure respectful of local aesthetics. Accordingly, as an artist searching for perfection, he accosted them, waiting for nature itself to invite him without forcing conditions. Confident of his strength, he relishes solo adventures, such as the expedition he tackled alone on the Andes in 2015, during which he completed five important descents, including the southeastern face of Artesonraju (6.025 m) and the western face of Tocllaraju (6.032 m). There is no point in mentioning all his first descents or the high-level repetitions performed by this extraordinary guide, alone or in a group, particularly in his Julian Alps garden. What is the benefit of listing the paintings of such a fertile artist? Enrico, similarly to the masters of the extreme, is already in the pantheon of extreme skiing.