Raised on the slopes of Mount Bachelor in Oregon, Lucas was introduced to the joys of skiing by a father with a passion for nature and a fervent admirer of Greg Stump films. Infected by the virus of outdoor activities, particularly free-skiing – but also skateboarding, backpacking, fishing, surfing - he decided to devote his winters to skiing and his summers to paying for his winters, mainly in geometric house construction. Dividing his enthusiasm between the modules of the parks and the natural relief of his surroundings, he fleshed out the nuances of his palette to become a complete skier. Serious and diligent, he films with all the spirited youngsters at the resort and ends up with his own segment at 4BI9 media. Thanks to this video, he was noticed at the IF3 festival and began to make a name for himself in the industry. Confident in his abilities, he continued to work on his skiing and shoot videos with tenacity. First sponsors, first appearance in major productions such as Poor Boyz, MSP and Level 1, and Lucas was on his way to notoriety. Both a videographer and editor, and an exceptional backcountry skier, he now aspires to improve his versatility with high-mountain skiing. Beware, pure talent.